Westerley News

Repaving Townhome Streets

Westerley HOA maintains the streets in the townhome areas and we still have the original pavement from when the community was constructed. After about a quarter of a century, it's worn out and we have to repave. We have hired Brothers Paving to complete this work.

Which days? August 23, 24, and 25th, 2022.
What time? 7am–9pm

The project is being done in three phases over the three different days. All vehicles must be moved off those streets before 7am, and unfortunately we'll have to tow any left as they'll block the work.

You should be receiving a letter in the mail. In addition, we'll be hand-delivering flyers this week.

The project is being paid for out of reserve funds (townhome reserves for all of it except the pool parking lot).

Map of phases

Bonfire Peach Terr.
Burning Branch Terr.
Mountain Laurel Terr.
Pool Parking Lot
Rusty Blackhaw Sq.
Southern Magnolia Sq.
Southern Oaks Terr. up to Vermont Maple Terr.
Southern Oaks Terr. from Vermont Maple up to Hollow Mountain
Sweet Birch Terr.
Tamarack Ridge Sq.
Vermont Maple Terr.