Westerley News

Upcoming Meetings in October (UPDATED)

We have threefour upcoming meetings:
  1. On Saturday, October 17, noon at the Tot Lot we'll be holding a special meeting of the Board of Directors, to cover the following topics: HLS and the grounds contract; a "thank you" letter and contribution to Sterling Fire for visiting us on Westerley Day; discuss a social media policy (parts of this may be held in executive session, if we need to discuss attorney-client privileged material); management contract review; and and any needed planning for the parking committee.
  2. On Tuesday, October 20 at 7pm in the Dominion High School Library, we'll be holding the October regular board meeting. Before that, at 18:30, we will be holding covenants hearings (if any are requested).
  3. On Thursday, October 22, also at 7p in the Dominion High School Library, we'll be holding the first Parking Committee meeting. We will be discussing the newly-approved parking policy in detail and planning how the committee will operate. There may also be a short board meeting solely to formally charter and appoint the Parking Committee.
  4. (new) On Saturday, October 24, at 12pm in the Dominion High School Library, we'll be holding a continuation of the meeting on Tuesday, as we didn't finish the agenda.

As with all Westerley board and committee meetings, these meetings are open to members of the association and an open forum (comment period) will be held near the start of the meeting. At the regular meeting, comments may be on any matter related to the HOA; at the two other meetings, comments should be germane to the subjects to be discussed at those meetings.