Westerley News

Snow Removal Plans for Tonight's Storm

Important — Changes from Last Year

This year, we're planning on using the back four parking spots in the pool lot to pile snow during major snow storms. Please move any cars from those four spots. Cones and/or other markers will be going up later today.

In addition, we're using several of the storm detention ponds to dump snow, someone will be removing a few of the fence rails this afternoon. Please watch your step near the ponds.

Who is Responsible for Snow Removal?

Snow removal on the single-family streets is performed by VDOT.

Snow removal on the townhome streets, as well as the sidewalks along Augusta Dr and in front of the pool house, is performed by our contractor (Kauffman).

Snow removal on the rest of the sidewalks is, per county ordinance, the responsibility of the adjacent homeowner.

What to Expect

Our snow removal contractor should be making passes through once 2" fall. During the storm, they will do their best to keep the roads passable for emergencies. After the storm dies down, they will do additional cleanup and also sidewalk clearing.

If the forecasted accumulation and cold weather occurs, this snow could be with us for a while. Travel probably won't be possible Tuesday morning. If you notice any problems with the areas the HOA is responsible for, please feel free to contact:

  • The board, via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Our manager, Joseph Barrows <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

VDOT makes snow removal progress available on their web site at vdotplows.org.