Westerley News

May 2018 Committee Meetings

In addition to the annual meeting, there are several committee meetings this month:
Date Time Location Committee
May 2 6:30PM Westerley pool house Grounds
May 7 6:30PM Westerley pool house Pool
May 13 2:30PM Westerley tot lot Parking
May 16 6:30PM Westerley pool house Grounds
May 30 6:30PM Westerley pool house Grounds
The Grounds Committee has set its meeting schedule for every second Wednesday.

April 2018 Committee Meetings

The Spring busy season has finally arrived. In addition to the regularly-scheduled Board meeting on the 9th, there are several committee meetings already scheduled.

  1. April 2: Pool Committee meeting, 18:30 at the pool house.
  2. April 7: Grounds Committee tree walk, gather 10:00 at the pool house.
  3. April 11; Grounds Committee meeting, 18:30 at the pool house. Cancelled.
  4. April 25: Grounds Committee meeting, 18:30 at the pool house.

Residents are welcome at all Westerley meetings, and there will be an opportunity for you to provide your input on the relevant topics at each meeting.

For further details, see the calendar to the right of the home page or subscribe to the discussion list.

Grounds Committee Meeting March 28

The Grounds Committee's next meeting is 6:30PM on March 28 at the Cascades Library. The agenda is:
  1. Advantage contract review — tasks in spring and summer, work schedules and follow up
  2. Schedule walk to determine tree removal/transplant
  3. Rose Hill designs discussion and decision
  4. New garden discussion and decision
  5. Summer garden — entrance and pool house discussion and decision

Pool Committee Meeting March 17

The Pool Committee is meeting at the Westerley pool house at 9AM on March 17 to discuss the pool furniture. In all likelihood, contract(s) will be approved.

Community input is welcome, and you'll be given an opportunity to speak if you attend. The colors & styles picked Saturday morning will probably be with us for the next decade, so now is a good time to comment.

If you'd like to provide input, but aren't able to attend, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your comments.

Grouds Committee Meeting on January 24

On Wednesday, January 24th the Grounds Committee will be holding a meeting at the Cascades Library. The meeting begins at 6:30pm.

The tentative agenda includes:

  • Communication among GC members
  • Advantage contract — contract activities specifics (what, how many per month/year, when, etc.)?
  • Tamarack Ridge dry pond — status with County and what does Westerley still have to do before county takes over?
  • Tree removal/replanting project — define scope of project and agree on way forward

All residents/owners are invited to attend. There will be a comment session at the start of the meeting.

January Board Meeting Postponed

Due to the icy conditions forecast for this evening, the January 8th Board of Director's meeting is canceled.

Tentatively, the Board meeting is rescheduled for January 29th, 7pm at the Cascades Library.

Upcoming Meetings: January 2018

The next Board meeting is January 8, 2018, 7pm at the Cascades Library. The Board of Directors meets monthly on the 2nd Monday (1st Monday in case of a holiday).

The Grounds Committee’s next scheduled meeting is January 24th, 2018, 6:30pm in the Cascades Library Group Study Room.

The Pool Committee is meeting December 28th from 6:30–7:30 PM at the Cascades Library in the group study room. There will likely be a January meeting as well.

These members are all open to community members. (The Board meeting typically includes a closed executive session at the end.)

Grounds Committee Meeting November 29th

The Grounds Committee will meet Wednesday, November 29th from 6 to 8pm at the Cascades Library. The tentative agenda is:
  1. Irrigation — determine expansion or not and location of irrigation system
  2. Dry ponds — maintenance standards
  3. Trash cans — type and location
  4. Dead tree removal and overcrowding trees transplanting
  5. Advantage — performance update