Westerley News

Snow Removal Plans for Tonight's Storm

Important — Changes from Last Year

This year, we're planning on using the back four parking spots in the pool lot to pile snow during major snow storms. Please move any cars from those four spots. Cones and/or other markers will be going up later today.

In addition, we're using several of the storm detention ponds to dump snow, someone will be removing a few of the fence rails this afternoon. Please watch your step near the ponds.

Who is Responsible for Snow Removal?

Snow removal on the single-family streets is performed by VDOT.

Snow removal on the townhome streets, as well as the sidewalks along Augusta Dr and in front of the pool house, is performed by our contractor (Kauffman).

Snow removal on the rest of the sidewalks is, per county ordinance, the responsibility of the adjacent homeowner.

What to Expect

Our snow removal contractor should be making passes through once 2" fall. During the storm, they will do their best to keep the roads passable for emergencies. After the storm dies down, they will do additional cleanup and also sidewalk clearing.

If the forecasted accumulation and cold weather occurs, this snow could be with us for a while. Travel probably won't be possible Tuesday morning. If you notice any problems with the areas the HOA is responsible for, please feel free to contact:

  • The board, via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Our manager, Joseph Barrows <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

VDOT makes snow removal progress available on their web site at vdotplows.org.

No meeting this Thursday, holiday hours

The board has canceled the December meeting, so there is no board meeting this Thursday, December 22. We look forward to seeing everyone again in the new year on January 26th.

Sentry, our management company, will close early this Friday, December 23rd. They will be closed Monday, December 26th and Monday, January 2nd.

Trash Away’s holiday schedule is available on their web site; according to that, our trash and recycling pickup should be unaffected and Christmas tree pickup dates are January 3rd and January 10th.

Temporary Closure of Intersection at Sweet Birch and Augusta

On Monday, August 29th (weather permitting) a contractor will be installing conduit under Sweet Birch Terrace near the intersection with Augusta Dr. Unfortunately, it was not possible to drill under the street, so they're excavating it.

This requires closing that section of the street. While the street is closed, please use the next entrance (Vermont Maple Terrace).

If the weather cooperates, the closure will only be on the 29th.

Letters are going out to everyone on Sweet Birch and Southern Magnolia.

Board meeting this Tuesday

The Board did not have quorum on its regularly scheduled date last week, so it is meeting on its rain date this Thursday instead. The meeting will be 7pm in the Dominion High School library.

Update: Rescheduled to 6:15 pm on Tuesday, June 7.

Special Meeting: Pool House Floor

The President of the Association has called a special meeting of the Board of Directors regarding the pool house floor proposal. The proposal is for installing a tile floor.

When: Sunday, April 17 at 11:00 AM
Where: The pool house (46840 Vermont Maple Terrace)

  1. Resident's open forum (limited to the pool house floor)
  2. Chose a color from the sample tiles
  3. Decide if we keep existing baseboard tiles or replace with new tile.
  4. Vote on proposal
The hope is to complete the meeting in under twenty minutes.

Trash Pickup Resumes after Snow

Trash Away has notified us that they're resuming their normal pickup schedule starting Thursday. Our trash should therefor be picked up on Friday. In addition, they should be picking up recycling Friday as well (since they missed Tuesday).

Board meeting tomorrow canceled

Due to the school being closed, the meeting Thursday night is canceled. The board is working on rescheduling for next week.

Snow Removal Informaton

As you're likely aware, this morning the National Weather Service issued a blizzard watch for our area. A few quick notes about snow removal:

  • Cars parked on the street obstruct snow plowing. If possible, please do not park on the street when snow is anticipated.
  • Snow plowing in the town home areas is done by the HOA's contractor. They generally do not plow storms less than 2", and may do several preliminary plows before the snow stops. The goal while snow is still falling is to keep the streets passable for emergencies. Final snow removal, salting, sand sanding may not begin until a few hours after the snow stops, and the goal is to get the streets fully passable, not to clear them to blacktop. Please send any concerns to management (540-751-1888) and/or the board.
  • Snow plowing in the single-family home areas is done by VDOT. The HOA has no control over it. Status of VDOT's plowing can be seen online at VDOT Plows They can be contacted online or via 1-800-367-ROAD.
  • Clearing the sidewalk in front of your house is your responsibility. Per county ordinance, this is generally supposed to be completed within six hours of the snow stopping (check the ordinance for exceptions).