Westerley News

Special Meeting on Parking

The Board is holding a special meeting on parking. Owners and residents are invited to attend and offer their suggestions.

The purpose of this meeting is to first determine which problems we'd like to (and can) solve with a new parking policy and then, once we've agreed on our goals, write down requirements specific enough to send to the lawyers so they can actually draft a policy resolution.

When?7pm on Thursday, September 11, 2014
Where?Pool House, or nearby


  1. Quick decision—who is taking minutes? (Presumably the secretary.)
  2. Quick decision—meeting end time: do we adjourn at 8pm no matter what, or will we allow it to go longer? (Decide this at the meeting, but /before/ we start arguing).
  3. Residents open forum (limited to topics germane to the meeting, and of a limited length depending on how late we've decided to go).
  4. Identify goals of/problems we're solving with a new policy.
  5. Decide if we're doing any of the major changes: assigned parking, parking passes, etc.
  6. Ideas to achieve each goal
  7. Write something up to send to legal or alternatively select someone to write that up. Decide if it should be sent ASAP or presented at the next board meeting for approval.

September 2014 Board Meeting

This month's meeting should have the first draft of the 2015 budget, prepared by our treasurer Angela.

When: September 25, 7–9pm
Where: Cascades Library

Final Weekend of the Pool Season

This weekend (through Labor Day) is the final one of the 2014 pool season. The forcast looks good for at least today and Saturday.

Fun at Westerley Day

We hope you all enjoyed Westerley Day, even with the less-than-stellar weather.

A photo (click to open a large version):
Panoramic image of Westerley Day And a video:

Pool Passes for 2014

Greetings Westerley Neighbors!

Our pool season has arrived, and there is much to do to prepare for a fun and safe swimming season.  The Westerley Pool Committee (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) has been hard at work to make this an easy and efficient opening to the season.  It is expected that all residents familiarize themselves with the “Pool Rules” – these are found on this site under the Policies and Documents tab.

The pool is open from Memorial Day Weekend (beginning May 24) to Labor Day Weekend.  Here are the timings:

  • On weekends, 10am to 8pm.  
  • On weekdays through the end of the school year, from 4pm to 8pm.
  • Once school is out, 12pm to 8pm every weekday. 

Our new initiative this season is to issue brand new pool passes to the community.  This new system will help to make things run more efficiently at the pool house.  All residents (including children) wishing to use the pool must stop by the pool house to be issued a new pool pass.  The pool pass issuing dates are listed below.  If you are unable to pick up your new pass during one of these dates, we will try to have more issuing dates throughout the season.  In order to receive your pass, you will need to bring with you a government-issued photo ID and proof of residency (this may be a driver’s license or passport with your Westerley address or a utility bill with your Westerley address).  We will be taking a photo for each pass, so please be sure to bring all family members with you!

Pool passes will be issued from 11AM to 1PM on:

  • Saturday, May 31 
  • Sunday, June 1
  • Saturday, June 14,
  • Sunday, June 15
  • Saturday, June 28
  • Sunday, June 29

For this week (through June 1st), we are allowing home owners to access the pool with the old passes.

Coupon Books Mailed

The coupon books were mailed out Friday, March 28. They were mailed out locally, so you should have them in hand soon.

We apologize for how late we're sending them, and of course will not charge any late fees in April.

If you do not receive your coupon book by Monday, April 7th, please contact our management company:

Horizon Community Services
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(540) 751-1888

For any other concerns, please feel free to contact the board.

Annual Meeting Tonight

The association annual meeting is tonight (Tuesday, January 14). It's at Dominion High School, room 407. Registration starts at 18:30; the meeting starts at 19:00.

Notarized proxies can be brought to the meeting. Alternatively:

  1. You can show up during the registration period (6:30–7:00pm) and sign a proxy form in front of Patti (our management rep). She's a notary and can notarize it. You don't have to stay for the meeting—you can be in and out a few minutes. We'll have copies of the proxy form available.
  2. You can show up during the registration period, and stay only until quorum is established, and leave after that. You won't get to cast any votes, but you will count for quorum.
  3. You can attend the meeting and cast your votes in person. No proxy form needed.

Voting is open to all members of the association (all owners) who are in good standing.


Christmas Tree Pickup Dates

Trash Away will be collecting Christmas trees curbside on:

  • Tuesday, January 7
  • Tuesday, January 14